Ahuka Communications
Computer Tutorials and General Technology Musings
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Backup How-To
Rules for Effective Backups
Making a List, and Checking it Twice
Level One – Local Backup
Remote Backup Solutions
Verifying Your Backups
DOS Lessons
DOS Lesson 1: Operating Systems
DOS Lesson 2: Booting
DOS Lesson 3: Internal Commands
DOS Lesson 4: External Commands; Emergency Boot Disk
DOS Lesson 5: The Path
DOS Lesson 6: Syntax and Switches; Help System
DOS Lesson 7: DOS Filenames; ASCII
DOS Lesson 8: Format; Copy; Diskcopy; Xcopy
DOS Lesson 9: The File System
DOS Lesson 10: Directory Commands
DOS Lesson 11: DOS Wildcards; File Attributes
DOS Lesson 12: Expert DIR Use
DOS Lesson 13: BASIC
DOS Lesson 14: The EDIT Applet
DOS Lesson 15: Introduction to Batch Files
DOS Lesson 16: Practicing Batch Files with ECHO
DOS Lesson 17: Batch File Variables; Nested Batch Files
HTML For Beginners
A Brief History of HTML
The Structure of HTML
Case Considerations in File Names
Separation of Structure and Presentation
Color on the Web
Using Tables for Layout
Block-Level and Inline Elements
ISO Entities
Images on the Web
Image Optimization: GIF
Image Optimization: JPEG
Web Hosting
FTP for PCs
Image Dimensions
List Headers
Server Issues and FTP
Further Directions
LibreOffice Tutorials
LibreOffice Class at Ohio LinuxFest 2012
LibreOffice Writer
LibreOffice Writer Overview
LibreOffice Writer Templates
LibreOffice Writer Default Template
LibreOffice Writer Obtaining Other Templates
LibreOffice Writer: Creating Templates
LibreOffice Writer Styles – Overview
LibreOffice Writer Paragraph Styles – What is a paragraph?
LibreOffice Writer Heading Styles
LibreOffice Writer Tab Styles
LibreOffice Writer Working with Paragraph-Level Styles
LibreOffice Writer Paragraph Styles in Templates
LibreOffice Writer Character Styles
LibreOffice Writer List Styles Introduced
LibreOffice Writer: A Bullet Style Deconstructed
LibreOffice Writer: A Numbered List Style Deconstructed
LibreOffice Writer Nested Lists Introduced
LibreOffice Writer Nested Lists Controlled via Styles
LibreOffice Writer Page Styles Introduced
LibreOffice Writer Working With Page Styles
LibreOffice Writer Overview of Page Layout Options
LibreOffice Writer Frames: Introduction and the Type Tab
LibreOffice Writer Frame Properties Completed
LibreOffice Writer Other Frame Styles
Other Page Layout Options
A Brochure Project
LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Calc: What is a Spreadsheet?
LibreOffice Calc: Cells
LibreOffice Calc – Calculations and the Formula Bar
LibreOffice Calc – Fills, an Introduction
LibreOffice Calc – Models and “What-If” Analysis
LibreOffice Calc – A Savings Model
LibreOffice Calc: Sheet Editing and Navigation
LibreOffice Calc: Introduction to Charts and Graphs
LibreOffice Calc: Creating Charts
LibreOffice Calc: More on Chart Editing
LibreOffice Calc: Introduction to Functions
LibreOffice Calc: Financial Functions – Loan Payments
LibreOffice Calc: More Financial Functions
LibreOffice Calc: Simple Descriptive Statistics
LibreOffice Calc: Inferential Statistics Functions
LibreOffice Calc: Other Functions
LibreOffice Calc: Data manipulation 1: Sorting and AutoFilter
LibreOffice Calc: Data Manipulation 2: Standard and Advanced Filters
LibreOffice Calc: Creating Pivot Tables
LibreOffice Calc: Working With Pivot Tables
LibreOffice Calc: Styles and Templates Introduced
LibreOffice Calc: The Object Model and Using Templates
LibreOffice Calc: Page Styles and Page Settings
LibreOffice Calc: Cell Styles
LibreOffice Calc: Creating a Template with Styles
LibreOffice Impress
LibreOffice Impress: Overview and Guidance
LibreOffice Impress: Moving Around
LibreOffice Impress: Outlining and Blank Presentations
LibreOffice Impress: Creating a Presentation
LibreOffice Impress: Templates and Master Pages
LibreOffice Impress: Styles and Objects 1. Presentation Styles
LibreOffice Impress: Styles and Objects 2. Drawing Object Styles
LibreOffice Impress: Creating A Template for Hacker Public Radio
LibreOffice Impress: Pictures
LibreOffice Impress: The Gallery and Themes
LibreOffice Impress: Slide Layouts and AutoLayout Text Boxes
LibreOffice Impress: Working With Text Boxes
LibreOffice Impress: Formatting Text
LibreOffice Impress: Multimedia
LibreOffice Impress: OLE Objects, Spreadsheets, and Charts
LibreOffice Impress: Impress Built-In Charts
LibreOffice Impress: Tables
Microsoft Office
Visual Basic for Applications
Beginning with VBA: Recording a Simple Macro in Word
Managing Macros in MS Office
The Visual Basic Editor
Fixing Macros
Some Good Code Tips
Preparing to Code in VBA
Intro to GIMP
The Canvas
Selection Tools
Paint Tools
Transform Tools
Color Tools
Miscellaneous Tools
Patterns and Gradients
Introduction to Layers
Getting Started With Layers
Free, Public Domain and Creative Commons Assets
An Example of Using Layers
More on Layer Tools and Techniques
Layer Masks
A Layer Mask Project
Blending Layers
More Free Image Sites?
Normal Layer Modes: Normal, Dissolve, Color Erase
Normal Layer Modes: Erase, Merge, and Split
Lighten Layer Modes
Dodge and Burn
Darken Modes
Contrast Modes
Inversion Layer Modes
HSV Components Layer Modes
LCh Components Layer Modes
RAW Images
Digitizing photos
Photo storage, backups, and workflow
Fixing Photos
More Photo Fixes
Microsoft Office
Visual Basic for Applications
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